Sunday, January 30, 2011

Connolly Ranch

I recently went painting at Connolly Ranch with Kristine Pallas, a talented painting partner. It was a productive day as I worked on three paintings throughout the day. This 11 x 14 painting was the last one started and I mostly completed the blue house while plein air painting. Having a quality camera helps for reference work back in the studio.
This 10 x 12 was done entirely on location. Being outside painting is a joy on a day like we had.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Weather Woes

Daisy & Roses, 5 x 7

What do plein air painters do when weather doesn't cooporate? Painting from photos is one good option, especially if you have the plein air painting done on location and also took a photo of the scene. I find painting a larger studio piece works best if I have both a photo and small study to reference.

I find winter is also a great time to explore subject matter a bit out of my comfort zone. Ultimately, it is all about the mileage. Flower still lifes are difficult to execute. Especially with a loose style like mine.